SimTech film series launched

November 7, 2019 /

Simulations are becoming more and more important. At the same time, more and more data is available. The Cluster of Excellence “Data-integrated Simulation Science” at the University Stuttgart combines both of these areas and has defined three visions: Engineered Geosystems, Next Generation Virtual Materials Design and Digital Human Model.

Prof. Dr. Syn Schmitt and Prof. Dr. Oliver Röhrle are focusing in their research on the latter, the Digital Human Model vision. In summer 2019, they founded the Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems (IMSB) whose vision is to use computational and experimental methods to enhance the knowledge about biomechanical systems with a particular focus on the Human System. The simulation of the human body is one of the greatest challenges, but also promises great progress. Through the additional integration of patient-specific data, parts of the body can be simulated individually. This is an important step towards visualized biological process engineering.

With this film, which is the first of a more comprehensive series of films and soon will also be available in English, we would like to give an insight into the work of the cluster and at the same time present our researchers, the range of our topics and the relevance of our research.

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