Jobs & Contact

SimTech job offers


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Junior Research Group Leaders

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PostDoc Researchers

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Doctoral Researchers

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Student Assistants

  • Studentische oder wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft in der Nachwuchsgruppe von Dr. Benjamin Unger im Exzellenzcluster SimTech (w/m/d)

    Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt für 10 Stunden/ Woche eine studentische oder wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung von Software Paketen im Bereich der numerische Mathematik, insbesondere im Bereich Control Theory und Model Order Reduction.
    Ausschreibung (Download)

Management Team

There are currently no job offers.


How to reach us

Coming from the city: Take the subway from the station "Hauptbahnhof", "Stadtmitte" or "Feuersee" S1 (Herrenberg), S2 or S3 (both Flughafen) and get off at "Universität".

Timetable information by VVS [de]

Leave the highway A8 (Munich-Karlsruhe) at the junction Stuttgart-Vaihingen and follow the road towards Stuttgart. The second junction "Universität" leads directly to the University area.

The train stop is located directly beneath the airport. Just follow the signs marked "S". Take the subway S2 (Schorndorf) or S3 (Backnang) and get off at "Universität". Buy a ticket for two zones at one of the orange colored vending machines.

Timetable information by VVS [de]


Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) | Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-Integrated Simulation Science"

Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart

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