
The Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (grey area of the illustration) is  a center established by the Academic Senat of the University in 2015 with rights and obligations comparable to a classical faculty. It is entitled to award doctoral degrees as well as to conduct the bachelor and master's degree programs Simulation Technology. SC Simtech is the structural home to the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data Integrated Simulation Science" (blue area of the illustration).

General Assembly

Like in traditional faculties, the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) is controlled by its own General Assembly, whose members (board of directors, fellows, elected members) are also associated with different faculties of the University of Stuttgart. The duration of membership is limited, which makes the center a dynamic organisational unit with changing teams. The General Assembly of the Center advises on all matters of fundamental importance to the Center and is responsible for other matters assigned to it by the statutes.

Board of Directors (SC SimTech)

In addition to the General Assembly, the Executive Board/Directorate is the central governing body of the Center. It directs the Center in matters of academic affairs, teaching and finances.

Management Team

The management team supports the Center in all administrative matters and reports to the Board of Directors. Activities include the graduate school, the study program, financial issues as well as IT, marketing and public relations, recruiting, event organization and professional training activities.


Next to the Board of Directors and the elected members, the Fellows are the voting members of the General Assembley of the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science. They are appointed by the rectorate of the University of Stuttgart for a duration of 5 years and come from different faculties.

Further Members

Further professorial members conducting research in simulation science can be affiliated by the General Assembly as members of the Center upon application. They may then participate in the General Assembly with an advisory vote.

Doctoral Committee

The members of the doctoral committee of SC SimTech are professors, tenure track professors, junior professors and private lecturers, university lecturers, and higher education institution lecturers of SC SimTech. In the case of joint doctorates together with other faculties, the Doctoral Committee is composed of the two Doctoral Committees of SC SimTech and the respective faculty. The Doctoral Committee usually meets once a month during the semester and decides on acceptance of doctoral researchers, the composition of examination boards for doctoral theses, and general aspects for dissertations carried out at SC SimTech.

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