
We conduct our research in cooperation with a host of national and international contacts. Loosely institutionalized, but broadly established, are collaborations focusing on the exchange of outstanding students. More institutionalized are collaborations involving research stays on the doctoral and postdoctoral level, including joint research activities and the use of labs. Even more institutionalized are joint supervisions of master students and doctoral researchers which are established with the University of Bergen and the Simula School of Research and Innovation in Lysaker (Norway) as well as the Universities of Delft and Utrecht (The Netherlands).

Other prime international cooperation partners include, e. g. the Utah School of Computing in the field of visualization, and the Universities of Bergamo and Trento. Further international partners are the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The Cluster will continously broaden its international research links, building on cooperative agreements and joint research projects. Besides numerous international Senior Fellows, the Argyris Visiting Professorship of the SC SimTech have so far brought several distinguished researchers to Stuttgart.

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