
Collaboration is at the heart of large-scale interdisciplinary research endeavors like our Cluster. We foster collaboration within and beyond our University on all levels essential for pursuing our scientific program, supporting structures, and outreach.

We conduct our research in cooperation with a host of national and international contacts. Loosely institutionalized, but broadly established, are collaborations focusing on the exchange of outstanding students. More institutionalized are collaborations involving research stays on the doctoral and postdoctoral level, including joint research activities and the use of labs. Even more institutionalized are joint supervisions of master students and doctoral researchers.

To intensify our international and interdisciplinary cooperation, SimTech annually awards an Argyris Visiting Professorship to outstanding, internationally renowned, and pioneering personalities in Simulation Science. During their research visits, collaborations are initialized and expanded, and joint projects are launched with their home institutions, etc.

Apart from that, SimTech fosters international cooperation through its (incoming) guest program, inviting scientists at all career stages for shorter periods (days to weeks or a month) to visit our EXC.

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