V. Mehrmann and B. Unger, “Control of port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems and applications,”
ArXiv e-print 2201.06590, 2022, [Online]. Available:
The modeling framework of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems and their use in numerical simulation and control are discussed. The structure is ideal for automated network-based modeling since it is invariant under power-conserving interconnection, congruence transformations, and Galerkin projection. Moreover, stability and passivity properties are easily shown. Condensed forms under orthogonal transformations present easy analysis tools for existence, uniqueness, regularity, and numerical methods to check these properties.
After recalling the concepts for general linear and nonlinear descriptor systems, we demonstrate that many difficulties that arise in general descriptor systems can be easily overcome within the port-Hamiltonian framework. The properties of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are analyzed, time-discretization, and numerical linear algebra techniques are discussed. Structure-preserving regularization procedures for descriptor systems are presented to make them suitable for simulation and control. Model reduction techniques that preserve the structure and stabilization and optimal control techniques are discussed.
The properties of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems and their use in modeling simulation and control methods are illustrated with several examples from different physical domains. The survey concludes with open problems and research topics that deserve further attention.BibTeX
F. Black, P. Schulze, and B. Unger, “Modal Decomposition of Flow Data via Gradient-Based Transport Optimization,” in
Active Flow and Combustion Control 2021, R. King and D. Peitsch, Eds., in Active Flow and Combustion Control 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 203–224. doi:
In the context of model reduction, we study an optimization problem related to the approximation of given data by a linear combination of transformed modes, called transformed proper orthogonal decomposition (tPOD). In the simplest case, the optimization problem reduces to a minimization problem well-studied in the context of proper orthogonal decomposition. Allowing transformed modes in the approximation renders this approach particularly useful to compress data with transported quantities, which are prevalent in many flow applications. We prove the existence of a solution to the infinite-dimensional optimization problem. Towards a numerical implementation, we compute the gradient of the cost functional and derive a suitable discretization in time and space. We demonstrate the theoretical findings with three numerical examples using a periodic shift operator as transformation.BibTeX
T. Breiten, D. Hinsen, and B. Unger, “Towards a modeling class for port-Hamiltonian systems with time-delay,” 2022. doi:
The framework of port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems is a powerful and broadly applicable modeling paradigm. In this paper, we extend the scope of pH systems to time-delay systems. Our definition of a delay pH system is motivated by investigating the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov inequality on the corresponding infinite-dimensional operator equation. Moreover, we show that delay pH systems are passive and closed under interconnection. We describe an explicit way to construct a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and discuss implications for delayed feedback.BibTeX
D. Frank, D. A. Latif, M. Muehlebach, B. Unger, and S. Staab, “Robust Recurrent Neural Network to Identify Ship Motion in Open Water with Performance Guarantees,” Publication, 2022. doi:
Recurrent neural networks are capable of learning the dynamics of an unknown nonlinear system purely from input-output measurements. However, the resulting models do not provide any stability guarantees on the input-output mapping. In this work, we represent a recurrent neural network as a linear time-invariant system with nonlinear disturbances. By introducing constraints on the parameters, we can guarantee finite gain stability and incremental finite gain stability. We apply this identification method to learn the motion of a four-degrees-of-freedom ship that is moving in open water and compare it against other purely learning-based approaches with unconstrained parameters. Our analysis shows that the constrained recurrent neural network has a lower prediction accuracy on the test set, but it achieves comparable results on an out-of-distribution set and respects stability conditions.BibTeX
B. Hillebrecht and B. Unger, “Certified machine learning: Rigorous a posteriori error bounds for PDE defined PINNs,” 2022.
Prediction error quantification in machine learning has been left out of most methodological investigations of neural networks, for both purely data-driven and physics-informed approaches. Beyond statistical investigations and generic results on the approximation capabilities of neural networks, we present a rigorous upper bound on the prediction error of physics-informed neural networks. This bound can be calculated without the knowledge of the true solution and only with a priori available information about the characteristics of the underlying dynamical system governed by a partial differential equation. We apply this a posteriori error bound exemplarily to four problems: the transport equation, the heat equation, the Navier-Stokes equation and the Klein-Gordon equation.BibTeX
T. Breiten and B. Unger, “Passivity preserving model reduction via spectral factorization,”
Automatica, vol. 142, p. 110368, Aug. 2022, doi:
We present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) method for linear time-invariant systems that preserves passivity and is thus suited for structure-preserving MOR for port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems. Our algorithm exploits the well-known spectral factorization of the Popov function by a solution of the Kalman–Yakubovich–Popov (KYP) inequality. It performs MOR directly on the spectral factor inheriting the original system’s sparsity enabling MOR in a large-scale context. Our analysis reveals that the spectral factorization corresponding to the minimal solution of an associated algebraic Riccati equation is preferable from a model reduction perspective and benefits pH-preserving MOR methods such as a modified version of the iterative rational Krylov algorithm (IRKA). Numerical examples demonstrate that our approach can produce high-fidelity reduced-order models close to (unstructured) $H_2$-optimal reduced-order models.BibTeX
B. Hillebrecht and B. Unger, “Certified machine learning: A posteriori error estimation for physics-informed neural networks,”
ArXiv e-print 2203.17055, 2022, [Online]. Available:
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are one popular approach to introduce a priori knowledge about physical systems into the learning framework. PINNs are known to be robust for smaller training sets, derive better generalization problems, and are faster to train. In this paper, we show that using PINNs in comparison with purely data-driven neural networks is not only favorable for training performance but allows us to extract significant information on the quality of the approximated solution. Assuming that the underlying differential equation for the PINN training is an ordinary differential equation, we derive a rigorous upper limit on the PINN prediction error. This bound is applicable even for input data not included in the training phase and without any prior knowledge about the true solution. Therefore, our a posteriori error estimation is an essential step to certify the PINN. We apply our error estimator exemplarily to two academic toy problems, whereof one falls in the category of model-predictive control and thereby shows the practical use of the derived results.BibTeX
J. Heiland and B. Unger, “Identification of Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Dynamic Mode Decomposition,”
Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 3, Art. no. 3, 2022, doi:
Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is a popular data-driven framework to extract linear dynamics from complex high-dimensional systems. In this work, we study the system identification properties of DMD. We first show that DMD is invariant under linear transformations in the image of the data matrix. If, in addition, the data are constructed from a linear time-invariant system, then we prove that DMD can recover the original dynamics under mild conditions. If the linear dynamics are discretized with the Runge–Kutta method, then we further classify the error of the DMD approximation and detail that for one-stage Runge–Kutta methods; even the continuous dynamics can be recovered with DMD. A numerical example illustrates the theoretical findings.BibTeX
R. Morandin, J. Nicodemus, and B. Unger, “Port-Hamiltonian Dynamic Mode Decomposition,”
ArXiv e-print 2204.13474, 2022, doi:
We present a novel physics-informed system identification method to construct a passive linear time-invariant system. In more detail, for a given quadratic energy functional, measurements of the input, state, and output of a system in the time domain, we find a realization that approximates the data well while guaranteeing that the energy functional satisfies a dissipation inequality. To this end, we use the framework of port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems and modify the dynamic mode decomposition to be feasible for continuous-time pH systems. We propose an iterative numerical method to solve the corresponding least-squares minimization problem. We construct an effective initialization of the algorithm by studying the least-squares problem in a weighted norm, for which we present the analytical minimum-norm solution. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated with several numerical examples.BibTeX
R. Altmann, R. Maier, and B. Unger, “Semi-explicit integration of second order for weakly coupled poroelasticity,”
ArXiv e-print 2203.16664, 2022, [Online]. Available:
We introduce a semi-explicit time-stepping scheme of second order for linear poroelasticity satisfying a weak coupling condition. Here, semi-explicit means that the system, which needs to be solved in each step, decouples and hence improves the computational efficiency. The construction and the convergence proof are based on the connection to a differential equation with two time delays, namely one and two times the step size. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results and indicate the applicability to higher-order schemes.BibTeX
J. Nicodemus, J. Kneifl, J. Fehr, and B. Unger, “Physics-informed Neural Networks-based Model Predictive Control for Multi-link Manipulators,”
IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55, no. 20, Art. no. 20, 2022, doi:
We discuss nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) for multi-body dynamics via physics-informed machine learning methods. In more detail, we use a physics-informed neural networks (PINNs)-based MPC to solve a tracking problem for a complex mechanical system, a multi-link manipulator. PINNs are a promising tool to approximate (partial) differential equations but are not suited for control tasks in their original form since they are not designed to handle variable control actions or variable initial values. We thus follow the strategy of Antonelo et al. (arXiv:2104.02556, 2021) by enhancing PINNs with adding control actions and initial conditions as additional network inputs. Subsequently, the high-dimensional input space is reduced via a sampling strategy and a zero-hold assumption. This strategy enables the controller design based on a PINN as an approximation of the underlying system dynamics. The additional benefit is that the sensitivities are easily computed via automatic differentiation, thus leading to efficient gradient-based algorithms for the underlying optimal control problem.BibTeX