Uncertainty quantification for data-limited inverse problems via efficient probabilistic ML methods

PN 5-11

Project description

Detecting (stochastic) inclusions via measurements at a boundary of the space-time cylinder in a setting modeled by a partial differential equation has various applications in the sciences. This project seeks the detection of stochastic (discontinuous) inclusions in a Bayesian inversion setting. The low regularity of the stochastic random field describing the inclusions limits the use of standard approaches. After providing a general formulation for a variable stochastic setting, adaptive numerical approaches are developed. Detecting\reconstructing the inclusion may be tackled via a point estimator like a maximum a-posteriori estimate. A machine-learning-based method is employed to lower the computational complexity the high-dimensionality that the problem inherently brings.

However, quantifying the associated uncertainty remains challenging, especially if the parametrization of the inclusion is high-dimensional and very sensitive. Quantifying the uncertainty of the detected inclusion from (limited) measurements in a Bayesian setting with minimal computational complexity directly addresses RQ4 described in the PN 5 research plan.

Project information

Project title Uncertainty quantification for data-limited inverse problems via efficient probabilistic ML methods
Project leaders Andrea Barth (Dirk Pflueger)
Project staff Oliver Koenig, doctoral researcher
Project duration September 2022 - December 2025
Project number PN 5-11

Publications PN 5-11

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