Diversity & Equity

Mental health

Pride in STEM is a global nonprofit organization founded by an independent group of LGBTQIA+ scientists and engineers. The organization’s mission is to promote diversity within STEM fields and to highlight the achievements of queer individuals in these areas. The event emphasizes that diversity is essential for strengthening innovation and driving scientific progress. https://prideinstem.org/

News & Events


This image shows Hiser Sedik

Hiser Sedik


Manager for Diversity and Equity I Mental Health First Aider

This image shows Michael Sedlmair

Michael Sedlmair

Prof. Dr.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality I SimTech Equal Opportunity and Diversity Officer and Deputy Diversity Officer

[Image: SimTech/Max Kovalenko]

This image shows Benedikt Ehinger

Benedikt Ehinger

Jun.-Prof. Dr.

Computational Cognitive Science I SimTech Diversity Officer and Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer

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