How we work

SimTech Committee for Diversity and Equity

As a Cluster of Excellence, we are committed to fostering outstanding working conditions. We believe this includes ensuring fair treatment, free from both structural and individual discrimination. In order to uphold our values of diversity and equity, we concentrated on early career researchers, recognizing their particularly vulnerable career stage, and collaborated closely with the administrative framework of the University of Stuttgart to develop reliable and transparent solutions. Through these efforts, we have significantly contributed to shaping long-term, university-wide initiatives in diversity and equity. The issues we address are guided by the needs of SimTech's members.

The SimTech Committee for Diversity and Equity took and takes part in several initiatives:

Committee Equity and Diversity

Computational Cognitive Science I SimTech Diversity Officer and Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality I SimTech Equal Opportunity and Diversity Officer and Deputy Diversity Officer
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