Following the arrival of the DAAD RISE intern Arvin Kushwaha, SimTech’s Miriam Klopotek and Mario Gaimann have secured a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship for Ginger Lau, a student from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, USA. Ginger's grant period will run from September 16, 2024, to July 15, 2025.
The application process for this highly competitive scholarship began over a year ago, with Ginger starting her application in June 2023. She received strong support from Miriam Klopotek, SimTech Junior Research Group Leader, and Mario Gaimann, doctoral researcher in Miriam’s group, throughout this journey.
Miriam's research group focuses on emergent phenomena in many-body systems, with a clear connection to both simulations and machine learning. Ginger will be working on the project topic of reservoir computing with physical systems. This research involves leveraging physical systems as computational reservoirs, which can process information in a highly parallel and efficient manner. This approach is particularly relevant for SimTech as it bridges the gap between theoretical models and practical applications, enhancing our understanding of machine learning and complex systems.
Ginger expressed her excitement about the opportunity, stating, "I am very excited for this opportunity to work with Mario Gaimann and Miriam Klopotek, and to be a part of SimTech. This experience will allow me to explore new frontiers in reservoir computing and contribute to groundbreaking research."
Miriam Klopotek shared her thoughts on the project's significance: "The integration of reservoir computing with physical systems opens new avenues for exploring emergent phenomena. This collaboration with Ginger under the Fulbright Program will enrich our research at SimTech and provide valuable insights into the dynamics of many-body systems and machine learning models."
The Fulbright Program, the United States government's flagship program for international educational and cultural exchange, offers passionate and accomplished students and scholars from over 160 countries the opportunity to study, teach, conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to mutual understanding. Each year, the Fulbright Scholar Program awards more than 1,700 fellowships, enabling 800 U.S. Scholars to go abroad and 900 Visiting Scholars to come to the United States.