Time: | September 16 – 20, 2024 |
Venue: | University of Stuttgart/SimTech Room 0.009 Pfaffenwaldring 5a 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen |
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Electronic structure calculation has many applications in computational chemistry, condensed matter physics, and material science and is related to many challenges of the 21st century, e.g., drug design, energy materials, and quantum computing. Electronic structure calculation comprises different methods, such as wave-function-based methods, Density Functional Theory (DFT), or Quantum Monte Carlo methods which are all derived from the electronic Schrödinger equation.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together applied and computational mathematicians working on various aspects of electronic structure calculation which is subject to finding the state of the electrons for molecular systems.
This conference addresses the mathematical community working on such problems which involves mathematical physics, analysis of PDEs, numerical analysis, numerical methods, and scientific computing. The conference will be a platform to discuss the recent progress in the field and also intends to foster interactions between these different branches of Mathematics.
The tutorial sessions will take place on September 16. The scientific talks will take place on September 17-20.
We kindly request a modest participation fee (75€ early-bird, 100€ otherwise) to cover some expenses of organizing this event. Register here.