Beyond the Thesis: Career Conversations

No matter if you are currently doing your master or PhD, choosing a suitable career is as thrilling as it is challenging. With the new event series “Beyond the Thesis: Career Conversations”, we want to offer exciting insights into career paths in science and industry. And who would be better suited to tell you about different options than the people who already chose them?

Our event series is tailored to

  • master students,
  • (post)doctoral researchers, and
  • early career researchers

seeking valuable insights into career trajectories within both the scientific and industrial sectors.

Through an interactive panel discussion, we provide a platform for role models to share personal experiences, successes, and challenges. Our format prioritizes candid dialogue, eschewing traditional lectures in favor of meaningful exchanges between panelists and participants. Expect authentic conversations that touch on topics such as:

  • Career paths in academia versus industry
  • Balancing professional objectives with personal values
  • Navigating personnel management and technical expertise
  • Coping with uncertainty and pressure
  • Finding harmony between family planning and career aspirations

While these themes provide a framework, discussions will naturally evolve based on the interests of our esteemed panelists and the inquiries of our audience. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage all participants to reflect on their own career aspirations and choices.

The events will be held in English and are specifically not restricted to SimTech researchers.

Beyond the Thesis 1 July (pictures by Max Kovalenko)

Beyond the Thesis 15 May (pictures by Max Kovalenko)

Beyond the Thesis 25 April (pictures by Max Kovalenko)

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