SimTech Colloquium: „Advanced Methods in Porous Media“

November 4, 2022

Time: November 4 – 8, 2022
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We cordially invite everyone interested in the topic to join us for the

SimTech Colloquium on "Advanced Methods in Porous Media". Join us for the six talks via Webex or on site at Universtiätsstraße 32, Room 01.225.

Friday, 4 November

Alexandra Vallet (University of Oslo, Norway)
Poroelastic Modeling of the Brain: Toward a Better Management of Pathological Brain Ageing?
1:00-1:45 pm 

Elena Shabalina (Ghent University, Belgium)
Wave Phenomena at the Porous-Media Free-Flow Interface: The Propagation of Sound Through Crowds and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
3:00-3:45 pm

Monday, 7 November

Sudeshna Roy (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Multiscale Modeling of Particulate Systems
1:00-1:45 pm 

Shubhangi Gupta (Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research GEOMAR, Germany)
Multi-physics processes in Earth systems: From complex phase-transitions in Gas Hydrates to evolving interfaces in Geomorphology
3:00-3:45 pm

Rebecca Liyanage (Pexapark AG, UK)
Interfacial instabilities and enhanced mixing in porous media across scales
5:00-5:45 pm

Tuesday, 8 November

Maartje Boon (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
The Impact of Structural and Chemical Heterogeneity on Flow, Transport and Reaction in Porous Media
1:00-1:45 pm 

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