Interaction and Micropolitics in Commitee work

November 2, 2021

Exclusively for female Postdocs/ Doctoral students/ Junior Professors

Time: November 2, 2021
Additional date: November 3, 2021
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Committee work is a vital part of academia. Theoretical input on micro-political strategies, tactics and stagings helps to understand committees as sites of powerful negotiation processes.

Furthermore competence in committees goes hand in hand with the willingness to engage in micro-political disputes, both cooperatively and competitively. This means preparing for meetings in a concrete strategic way and presenting or "pitching" an issue in a tactically confident manner.

A reflection of one's own counter-gendered interaction behavior is a prerequisite to be recognized as a "competent" acting woman or man. Therefore it makes sense to become more aware of the ambivalence of latently effective stereotyping in political and communicative processes. 

Trainer: Dr. Iris Koall

Contact: Service Gender Consulting | Pooling – Synergien für Chancengleichheit | Sabrina Schopf, Ulrike Stoll | | (0711) 685-84024

[Picture: © Bildagentur PantherMedia / royalty]
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