Seven SimTech scientists among the world's most cited in their field

January 26, 2024 / mm

The updated “science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” lists seven reseachers from SimTech who are the most cited in their fields. The database, published by Elsevier, provides information on the most cited researchers in 2022 for each scientific field, including extensive figures on publications, citations, self-citation rates, and indices. The dataset contains more than 200,000 authors and takes into account the different publication cultures of the individual subject areas by including the top 2 per cent of the world's most frequently cited researchers in their field in the list.

The seven researchers from SimTech, listed below as the most frequently cited in their respective fields (in alphabetical order) are:


occupies place ... of the world's...most cited scientists in the field of ...
Allgöwer, Frank 605 of 106.863 in Industrial Engineering & Automation
Bulling, Andreas 60 of 14.370 in Human Factors
Bürkner, Paul Christian 26 of 21.194 in Statistics & Probability
Jeltsch, Albert 334 of 204.091 in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Kästner, Johannes 271 of 100.804 in Chemical Physics
Steinwart, Ingo 1578 of 356.955 in Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing
Yang, Bin 335 of 197.500 in Networking & Telecommunications

In the database of scientists who are among the most frequently cited two per cent of their field worldwide are further principal investigators and participating researchers from Simtech. These are:

  • Peter Eberhard
  • Rainer Helmig
  • Christian Holm
  • Frank Leymann
  • Markus Morrison (neé Rehm)
  • Claus Dieter Munz
  • Mathias Niepert
  • Wolfgang Nowak
  • Jürgen Pleiss
  • Kurt Rothermel
  • Carsten W. Scherer
  • Siegfried Schmauder
  • Guido Schneider
  • Steffen Staab
  • Alexander Verl
  • Ngoc Thang Vu
  • Bernhard Weigand
  • Daniel Weiskopf



Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023), “October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Elsevier Data Repository, V6, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6


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