Dr. Alexander Heinlein has taken up the substitute professorship for "Numerics for High Performance Computers"

November 3, 2020 / Sabine Sämisch

[Picture: IANS]

At the beginning of October, Dr. Alexander Heinlein joined the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation as substitute professor at the Chair for Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing.

The research area of Dr. Heinlein are: Numerical methods for multiscale problems, development of scalable and robust overlapping Schwarz methods, numerical simulations with biomedical applications, machine learning in finite element simulations and tuning domain decomposition solvers for simulations involving Uncertainty Quantification (UQ).

With his focus on scientific computing meets machine learning meets big data, Alexander Heinlein is thematically also closely linked to SimTech.

For more information please check: https://www.ians.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/team/Heinlein/

A warm welcome to Mr Heinlein at the University of Stuttgart.

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