Promotion of the Exchange of Knowledge between Research and Industry and industry-oriented Application of Learning and Real-Time Simulation

IC SimTech

Project Description

This research project addresses the transfer of knowledge and research results of the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-integrated Simulation Science (SimTech)" of the University of Stuttgart to industry. To use the methods newly developed in the Cluster of Excellence in an industrial context, the transfer of knowledge from research to industrial application must be organised. This is the task of the Industrial Consortium SimTech e. V. (IC SimTech), which takes care of the knowledge transfer by regularly organising conferences, symposia, seminar series and workshops. Within this framework the project fosters the collaboration between SimTech researchers and regional, national, and international industry partners. To create transparency between scientific knowledge and industrial applications, a demonstrator will be set up to show how new methods for integrating data into the virtual world of simulation can be used to control processes in the real world and in the context of production. The approach is to integrate a simulation of a production plant into its control system. The simulation runs in parallel during the production process. It serves as an internal representation of the system state, which the control logic can access during production to obtain relevant information about the plant. Even if not all states can be measured directly by available sensor technology, the states can be inferred by synchronizing the simulation with the available measurement data. At the same time, the recorded sensor data can be used to continuously improve the model on which the simulation is based. By constantly comparing model prediction and measured data, the underlying parameters can be learned and adapted to the real system. By implementing such a data-integrated simulation approach in an industrial production scenario, the demonstrator will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange between SimTech and the industry.

Project Information

Project Number  
Project Name Promotion of the Exchange of Knowledge between Research and Industry and industry-oriented Application of Learning and Real-Time Simulation
Project Duration Janaury 2020 - June 2023
Project Leader Alexander Verl
Project Members Markus Wnuk, PhD Researcher
Project Partners Industrial Partners:

Homag Group AG
Informatik-Forum Stuttgart e. V.
ISG - Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG
Robert Bosch GmbH
Siemens AG


Data-integrated model control sytsmes design with guarantuees (PN4)
On-the-fly model modification, error control, and simulation adaptivity (PN5)
Machine learning for simulation (PN6)
Adaptive Simulation and Interaction (PN7)

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