What the Phos? Parametrizing protein phosphorylation for the CHARMM36 and Martini force fields

PN 3-11

Project description

The project aims to promote molecular dynamics simulation of biological systems to the next level in three steps. At first, force field parameters of diverse post-translational modifications will be established both at all-atom and at coarse-grained resolution. The biological impact on molecular level of those post-translational modifications will be investigated on sample applications including cellular signalling events and interactions among bio(macro)molecules in cancerogenous cells. Next, a methodology for constant pH molecular dynamic simulations (both all-atom and coarse-grained) will be extended to diverse charged groups including titratable post-translational modification. This will allow for unravelling the role of charge adaptation in biological processes including protein insertion into cellular membranes, signal propagation within a cell, transmembrane transport and aggregation of biomolecules. In the last task a novel resolution conversion method will be developed based on automated generation of the mapping files by using machine learning and chemical information included e.g. in the original all- atom resolution. Therefore, the simulation system will be able to alter the resolution of the description between atomistic and coarse-grained resolution of diverse granularity in an automated manner thus sparing user-required time and avoiding user-induced errors. This technique will interconnect MD methods of diverse resolution by enabling sequential multiscaling MD simulations. However, not being restricted to biological systems, the fine-grading method will complement coarse graining techniques by a feedback control enabling a quality check of the newly established coarse-grained representation by its conversion back to higher level of resolution and control of the properties against experimental and other simulational data.

Project information

Project title What the Phos? Parametrizing protein phosphorylation for the CHARMM36 and Martini force fields
Project leader Kristyna Pluhackova
Project staff Viktoria Korn, doctoral researcher
Project duration January 2021 - June 2024
Project number PN 3-11

Publications PN 3-11

  1. 2023

    1. J. Wachlmayr, G. Fläschner, K. Pluhackova, W. Sandtner, C. Siligan, and A. Horner, “Entropic barrier of water permeation through single-file channels,” Communications Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.1038/s42004-023-00919-0.
    2. M. Degen et al., “Structural basis of NINJ1-mediated plasma membrane rupture in cell death,” Nature, vol. 618, no. 7967, Art. no. 7967, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05991-z.
  2. 2022

    1. K. Pluhackova, V. Schittny, P.-C. Bürkner, C. Siligan, and A. Horner, “Multiple pore lining residues modulate water permeability of GlpF,” Protein Science, vol. 31, no. 10, Art. no. 10, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.4431.
    2. V. Korn and K. Pluhackova, “Not sorcery after all: Roles of multiple charged residues in membrane insertion of gasdermin-A3,” Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, vol. 10, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.958957.
    3. N. Gössweiner-Mohr et al., “The Hidden Intricacies of Aquaporins: Remarkable Details in a Common Structural Scaffold,” Small, vol. 18, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202202056.
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