SimTech Colloquium: Simulation of THMC processes in fractured porous media (Inga Berre)

January 31, 2024, 4:00 p.m. (CET)

Time: January 31, 2024, 4:00 p.m. (CET)
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Fractures in porous media provide channels or barriers to flow and planes of weakness in the mechanical structure of the material. From a mathematical perspective, fractures can be conceptualized as discontinuities in the material parameters or as breaks along which the material on either side of the fracture can undergo sliding motion. As the fractures typically are thin compared to the size of the domain of interest, models for processes in fractured porous media are based on mixed-dimensional models, where fractures are represented as surfaces in a three-dimensional porous medium domain.

In this talk, we explore models for (subsets of) coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in fractured porous media. Emphasis will be given to models incorporating fracture deformation, which is characterized using contact mechanics principles.

Join us on 31st January at 4 pm via

Inga Berre is professor at the Department of Mathematics and director of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) at the University of Bergen. Her main research interests are mathematical modelling, partial differential equations and numerical methods, motivated by simulation of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in geothermal systems and fault reactivation induced by subsurface injection and production. She is the principal investigator of the ERC Consolidator Grant: "Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Process-Structure Interaction in Fractured Geothermal Systems" (MaPSI, 2021-2026). Inga Berre has served in multiple elected leadership positions, including the SIAM Council (member, 2022-2024), SIAM GS activity group (chair 2021-2022), SET-Plan Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group (co-chair, 2019-2021), and the Joint Program Geothermal, European Energy Research Alliance (chair, 2018-2021). She is member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (2017-). She is Associate Editor of Geothermal Energy, Springer (2020-) and Interpore Journal (2023-). At the University of Bergen, Inga Berre is member of The University Board (2021-2025). She has served on multiple boards for the Research Council of Norway, including the Portfolio Board for Natural Science and Technology (2019-2023) and the Division for Science Board (2015-2019).

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