Time: | July 17, 2024, 2:00 p.m. (CEST) |
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The Special Interest Group Data Infrastructure offers a forum to interested working groups that want to set up or further develop an RDM infrastructure at working group or institute level. We invite you to a monthly SIGDIUS seminar, to which we invite internal and external experts for presentations and discussions. SIGDIUS members will have the opportunity to exchange their experiences with concrete RDM infrastructures.
We cordially invite all interested parties to our next meeting on 17 July 2024 at 2 pm. This seminar will be held as an online seminar. For participation, please send an e-mail to Juergen.Pleiss@itb.uni-stuttgart.de.
Dagmar Waltemath,
University of Greifswald
How to be FAIR – Results from the EOSC Future project on FAIR assessment of computational models in biology
Computational models are useful to study complex systems. In clinical settings, these models need to be particularly quality-approved and transparent. A community-driven approach towards increased transparency and communication of the model features is the adherence to the principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability (FAIR). We propose to use an adaptation of the FAIR indicators published by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) to measure the FAIRness of models encoded in domain-specific standards (COMBINE). In my talk I will introduce the indicators and show examples for FAIR-compliant computational models.
Dagmar Waltemath received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Rostock, Germany in 2011. Her PhD research contributed to the development of strategies for the management, provenance and integration of model-related data in systems biology and systems medicine. Dagmar Waltemath continued as a junior research group leader in the Dept. of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics at the University of Rostock where she focused on developing methods to reproducibly simulate computational biology models including storing, annotating, searching and retrieving models and model-related data. She coordinated the Computational Modeling in Biology Network for four years. Since 2018 Dagmar Waltemath is a professor of Medical Informatics and head of the Core Unit Data Integration at the University Medicine Greifswald. Her group develops strategies for the FAIRification and graph-based integration of biomedical data from distributed data pools. Web link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5886-5563
More about the SIGDIUS seminars