Online coaching workshop "Out of Balance – Homeoffice meets Family"

May 3, 2021

Online coaching workshop for parents of DFG funded Collaborative Research Centers, organised by the Gender Consulting Office of the University of Stuttgart

Time: May 3, 2021
Additional date: May 10, 2021
May 25, 2021
May 31, 2021
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In times of the Corona pandemic, combining everyday work, home schooling, childcare and family life is getting more and more challenging. Therefore, the Gender Equality Office of the University of Stuttgart is offering an online coaching workshop for parents, working in Collaborative Research Centers. The aim of the workshop is to help participants reflecting their own work organisation within their families, their personal goals and the enegry and resources they spend. The participants jointly develop strategies for managing the diverse challenges of reconciling science and family under the guidance of Dr. Iris Koall and Prof. Dr. Michael Tunç during four consecutive dates.

Registration: possible until 23 April 2021 via e-mail at 

Contact: Service Gender Consulting | Pooling – Synergien für Chancengleichheit | Sabrina Schopf | | (0711) 685-84024

[Picture: © Bildagentur PantherMedia / royalty]
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