EXC – Start-up Meet up

May 19, 2021, 3:00 p.m. (CEST)

Time: May 19, 2021, 3:00 p.m. (CEST)
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As part of the EXC Start-UP Series, we warmly invite you to a SimTech get-together with Marcel Werle and Philipp Häßler on 19 Mai 2021, 15-16:00h, in WebEx.

In the EXC Start-Up Series, the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI), the Cluster of Excellence SimTech and the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC jointly organize regular talks, workshops and lectures promoting the founding of start-ups from research results. We want to offer you a tailor-made support system that will guide you from first thoughts on founding through the various steps to actually doing it.

After a lecture and a talk in the winter semester, we want to get a bit more concrete with the informal get-together on 19 May. We want to connect those of you that actually think about founding with Marcel and Philipp but also with each other. To arrive at a small group of like-minded colleagues that can discuss how founding could look like in the framework of SimTech and what specific topics and questions maybe arise that Marcel and Philipp could then address in the upcoming talks, workshops and lectures.

Join us via https://unistuttgart.webex.com/meet/philipp.haessler.

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