The former Vice Director Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl (Institute for Vizualisation and Interactive Systems) was elected as new Executive Director. The new Vice Director is Prof. Dr. Frank Allgöwer (Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control). Prof. Dr. Christian Rohde (Institute for Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Helmig (Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems), who were unanimously re-elected, continue to belong to the Board of Directors which will be completed by the newly elected Prof. Dr. Nicole Radde (Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control), Prof. Dr. Johannes Kästner (Institute for Theoretical Chemistry) and Prof. Dr. Holger Steeb (Institute for Applied Mechanics). Thus, the Board of Directors was enlarged from five to seven persons.
SimTech thanks Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ehlers, who was honoured with a lifetime honorary membership during the status seminar, for his great commitment in the past years and is looking forward to the new Board of Directors.