Luiz Chamon starts ELLIS-SimTech research group at the University of Stuttgart

October 19, 2022 / sä

We warmly welcome Luiz Fernando de Oliviera Chamon at the University of Stuttgart. Since the beginning of October, he leads his own research group at the ELLIS Unit of the University of Stuttgart, which is a joint ELLIS-SimTech research group and thus complements the other six junior research groups in SimTech.

“My research uses principles from signal processing, optimization, and learning to curtail data-driven solutions into behaving according to user requirements such as fairness, robustness, or smoothness. I believe that without solid theoretical underpinnings, these solutions are weak, fragile. But without practical applications, they are meaningless. In that sense, the University of Stuttgart is the perfect place for me to develop my research, with SimTech providing a prime environment to expand its practical impact at the same time as I can continue to further its theoretical aspects in the context of ELLIS,” explains Dr. Chamon. 

Luiz Chamon received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2011 and 2015 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and systems engineering from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), Philadelphia, in 2020. He was a postdoc of the Simons Institute of the University of California, Berkeley. In 2009, he was an undergraduate exchange student of the Masters in Acoustics of the École Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France, and worked as an Assistant Instructor and Consultant on nondestructive testing at INSACAST Formation Continue. From 2010 to 2014, he worked as a Signal Processing and Statistics Consultant on a research project with EMBRAER. In 2018, he was recognized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society for his distinguished work for the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He also received both the best student paper and the best paper awards at IEEE ICASSP 2020.

Being broadly interested in optimization, signal processing, machine learning, and control, Dr. Chamon will be a huge asset to SimTech’s research and the joint research in SimTech and ELLIS since he nicely overlaps ongoing research in both institutions. 

“Dr Chamon convinced the committee with his theoretical orientation and his excellence in research at the highest international level, emphasised by several NeurIPS papers as well as numerous articles in top-tier journals. This excellent output is also reflected in a strong positive gradient in his citations”, explain Andreas Bulling and Ingo Steinwart, professors and researchers in SimTech and founding directors of the ELLIS Unit Stuttgart.


The ELLIS Unit Stuttgart brings together an interdisciplinary team of outstanding researchers at the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart site of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) who advance research in learning and intelligent systems from four synergistic perspectives: Interactive Intelligent Systems, Natural and Programming Language Processing, Learning Theory, and Robot Learning.

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