Join Anneli Guthke’s sessions at EGU24

November 9, 2023 / mm

Abstract submission is now open

Anneli Guthke, Independent Research Group Leader for Statistical Model-Data Integration, will be (co-)convening two sessions at the upcoming General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU24). The General Assembly will take place from 14 to 19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria, and online. It will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.

Make sure to register and join Anneli Guthke’s sessions on “Open and Transparent Hydrosystem Modeling for Decision Support: New Workflows and Tools” as well as “Bayesian Methods for Parameter Inference, Uncertainty Quantification, Error Modelling, Model Learning and Model Choice in Hydrology”. Abstract submission is now open, the deadline is on Wednesday, 10 January 2024. 

These sessions focus on challenges that Anneli Guthke addresses in her research: How can we gain most useful diagnostic insights into our models to detect discrepancies and improve our forecasts? How can we use data to best inform simulation models? And how can we establish workflows that increase transparency, reliability and acceptability of our models towards decision making and resources management?

Anneli Guthke is excited to again convene these sessions that have become popular in the past years: “We are thrilled to organize these sessions on model building and evaluation at this globally renowned conference of leading Geoscientists – they have stimulated lots of discussion within the hydrological community and motivated new developments. We are looking forward to receiving exciting new contributions for the upcoming EGU24, and to see a diverse crowd of researchers in the beautiful city of Vienna.”



Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Anneli Guthke
Statistical Model-Data Integration
Cluster of Excellence SimTech

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