Diversity and varied disciplines are a great source of potential and essential for excellent science, successful learning and the integration of different perspectives and backgrounds. With this understanding in equity and diversity, SimTech is in line with the understanding of the University of Stuttgart.
In view of its distinct technical profile, SimTech recognizes its special responsibility to increase the proportion of female scientists working in all areas of research, education, and scholarship. SimTech aims at achieving a 30 percent share of women at all qualification levels. As of the reporting date of December 1st, 2022, just under 27 percent of students were women. The proportion of graduated women in 2022 was even significantly higher at around 36 percent. The activities of the student council, the role of tutors for first-year students and the mentoring system play a large part in increasing the proportion of women.
As reflected in other studies, it has been our experience that comprehensive structured programs and concepts at all stages of the academic career are particularly appreciated by women because they provide reliability and transparency for future career planning. We have successfully installed such structures within our study programs, in the graduate school, and in other offerings for postdoctoral researchers and professors.
Nevertheless, in the area of doctoral researchers, the goal of 30 percent in 2022 was not achieved. This means that the female quota of around 17 percent has almost returned to that of 2020. For both students and doctoral researchers, this proportion is subject to large fluctuations due to the low number of persons. The development in the area of junior research group leaders is encouraging, where the proportion of women is now around 43 percent.
Measures taken by SimTech to achieve the goals related to equality and diversity were, for example, addressing schoolgirls at the PlaNeT SimTech Competition and the Girls Days, organizing childcare during SimTech events, onboarding measures, especially also for international researchers and employees, or personal coaching for career development for doctoral researchers and postdocs. Planned measures include for example the expansion of onboarding for postdocs or the expansion of the support for families during research-related stays abroad.