The joint DFG-funded project "CCMOR" between the Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics (Jörg Fehr, Johannes Rettberg) and the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Mathematics (Bernard Haasdonk, Dominik Wittwar) aims at certified model order reduction for coupled multi-physics systems.
Both project leaders are PRs in SimTech and this project is a direct result of long-year exchange and interaction within SimTech. In particular, the project can be related to the themes of PN3 and PN5.
The main goal of the project is to achieve fast numerical simulations by employing model order reduction (MOR) techniques combined with structure preservation which respects the underlying physics and maintains them in the reduced model. This is obtained by deriving (generalized) port-Hamiltonian or contact Hamiltonian system formulations and appropriate reduced basis generation procedures. Furthermore, the underlying structure will be leveraged to improve existing error estimation techniques for both state and outputs of interest. In particular, previous work in the groups, namely auxiliary linear problem (ALP) based error estimators, provides a promising basis for the development of highly efficient error quantification. The quality of the reduced approximation and the improved error estimators will be investigated on thermomechanical and acousto-structural systems.
Both groups are looking forward to intensifying collaboration within the SimTech cluster, i.e. with Benjamin Unger, who joined the cluster as an independent junior research group leader for dynamical systems.