GS SimTech Milestone Presentation: Aaron Krämer

October 28, 2019, 2:00 p.m. (CET)

Time: October 28, 2019, 2:00 p.m. (CET)
  Universität Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen, Room 7.122, Pfaffenwaldring 57
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The next milestone presentation of the GS SimTech will be held by Aaron Krämer from the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation:

What: High Performance Computing techniques for detailed Simulations of a Multi-Scale Sceletal Muscle Model
Advisor: Prof. Dominik Göddeke

Note: The milestone presentation is designed to allow reflection on interim work results and for establishing the individual PhD students‘ remaining program of work in consultation with their respective supervisors.


Within the Digital Human project (DiHu) we  pursue to bring detailed bio-mechanical simulation of skeletal muscle from basic research to clinical settings. The underlying model of a three-dimensional mechanical macro scale part in which active force generation occurs due to excitation-contraction processes on a micro scale.
These micro-scale bio-chemical processes are typically described, based on Hodgkin-Huxley-type models. They model changes of the local transmembrane voltage, $V_m$ , of a muscle fibre as a consequence of ion currents, induced by chemical imbalances and are represented by a system of ODEs. Due to cross bridge cycling (inflating the system of ODEs) this leads to forces on a micro scale. Total ODE systems may have up to 100 unknowns. The numerical challenge in the DiHu project lies in a massive size of DOFs (~ 1M fibres /muscle, 1-2k systems of ODEs /fibre) accompanied with stiff micro scale processes and the necessity of bi-directional coupling in between all model parts.

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