6th GAMM AG Data Workshop (virtual workshop)

October 20, 2020

Time: October 20 – 21, 2020
  The workshop is planned to take place on 20.10, from 13:00 until 18:00 and on 21.10. from 9:00 until 14:00, including sufficient virtual coffee breaks and possibility for discussions/interactions. Please register by email to dagmar.albert@hzg.de and provide the following information: - Title, Name, First Name - Institution Participation is free of charge!
Registration close: October 12, 2020
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The GAMM AG Data aims at coordinating the activities of the members of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) in the field of data-based modeling, simulation and analysis in the context of microstructured materials.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • To discuss the state of the art and recent trends in data-driven approaches
  • Exchange between researchers ain this field
  • To plan the AG Data activities

Topics of the workshop

  • data-supported modeling of the constitutive behavior of materials
  • data-driven simulation techniques
  • machine learning tools for materials engineering
  • high-performance data-processing
  • microstructure generation, simulation and analysis, e.g. via machine learning or AI tools
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